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Vol. 104 (2005): Our Past


The principal manuscript sources to the history of the Cistercian convent in Szczyrzyc

  • Jolanata M. Marszalska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2005-12-30


This article is aimed at presenting the significance of three copy-books and inventories of the movables and immovables of the church and convent of Szczyrzyc. These documents can also be regarded as chronicles and first-hand sources to the history of the Cistercian convent at Szczyrzyc. The first copy-book, titled "Inventarium praediorum, pecorum, villarum..." was written in 1643, probably by the Prior, Father Zygmunt Strychowski. The earliest and most valuable of the three extant codices is the second copy-book, entitled "De Origine et Fundatione Monastery Ciricensis...", A.D. 1627, bearing the signature of Father Zygmunt Strychowski. Finally, the third copy-book, which contains only ten unnumbered pages, attached to the document "Testimonium Ex Libro Beneficiorum Dioecesis Cracoviensis de Monastery ac Ecclesiae Erectione primo in Ludźmierz Anno Domini 1234 ac tandem translationis eorundem post deccennium in Szczyrzyc Anno 1234". Another important source to the history of the Cistercian Convent at Szczyrzyc are the copy-books, or chronicles, Provisio I and Provisio II, written by the Prior Father Bernard Reydlewicz. The 18th-century inventory "Revisio Praediorum, Inventariorum..." written by Priors Antoni Stawski, Stefan Poznański and Mikołaj Dybczyński and Provisor Alberyk Siewierkowski is an indispensable source to economy of the convent. The article lists all of the extant economic inventories of the Szczyrzyc convent, which between them constitute a unique record of manorial economy. Finally, brief mention is also made of "Liber Mortuorum... Anno Domini 1641" and "Inventarium Cijrzickiego Kościoła... Anno Domini 1727".


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