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Vol. 51 (1979): Our Past


The life and oeuvre of Abraham Bzowski OP (1567-1637)

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Published: 1979-06-30


The Dominican Stanisław Abraham Bzowski is one of the distinguished figures in the theological field, but for many years he was underestimated and today even forgotten. This author, with his extensive knowledge, and especially his tireless diligence, which resulted in a rich literary legacy, made not only his order of preachers famous, but also the name of Poland throughout the world at that time. A brief review of the life, activities and works of Abraham Bzowski allows us to conclude that he was one of the extremely active and hard-working writers of the 17th century. He wrote all but one of his works in Latin, and almost all of them were published abroad. All this contributed significantly to their author's wider fame. A cursory analysis of the works shows their diversity in terms of content and linguistic and literary form. This was inevitable given the number and size of works he left behind. No wonder there have been many critical voices over the centuries. Bzowski was therefore accused of exaggeration of style, exuberance of erudition, freedom in the interpretation of sources and, finally, lack of criticism in the opinions and judgments he expressed. One can agree with the above objections to a greater or lesser extent. Nevertheless, these voices of criticism do not obscure the absolutely enormous achievements of Abraham Bzowski in the field of writing. Hence, he is rightly considered in the opinion of posterity as one of the greatest ecclesiastical erudite and most learned Polish Dominicans at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries.


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