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Vol. 51 (1979): Our Past


Romuald Traugutt

  • Zofia Schmidt
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1979-06-30


The portrait of the leader of the January Uprising, Romuald Traugutt, contains contrasting features: logical, factual sobriety of reasoning and, at the same time, mysticism, a tendency to contemplation and emotional religious fervour; great knowledge, passion for exact sciences, but also subtle aesthetic sensitivity, reflected in the feeling of nature and in the natural artistic talent: apparent, unchanging peace, and underneath it inner dynamism, the power to control oneself and others. The contrasts of his psyche were reflected in life. A military specialist who is also passionate about science and art, with horizons reaching far beyond militarism, an atypical officer who spends time in libraries, still studying. There is a full family life in his fate, there is the most intense activity despite the multitude of activities, and among the activities there is a place for spiritual contemplation and a longing for the silence of the order. In these extraordinary, rich contrasting features there was a living man who rose to a heroic level, unyielding in the power of character, faithful to the idea to the end.      


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