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Vol. 42 (1974): Our Past


The activities of Cardinal August Hlond as papal envoy in the recovered territories in 1945.

  • Jerzy Pietrzak
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1974-12-30


The first news of Cardinal August Hlond's departure from Rome for Poland was brought to the world by a Reuters correspondent in Rome. He reported that the Primate of Poland had left the Eternal City on 11 July 1945 and was returning to Poland as a "special envoy of the Pope". A historian wishing to study Cardinal Hlond's activities as a papal envoy in the regained territories faces difficulties typical of research into recent history, including the unavailability of much source material and even a lack of insight into how much has survived. In this situation, memoirs are particularly valuable. This article is based on the "Acta Hlondiana", the press, memoirs and numerous written and oral accounts by eyewitnesses.


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