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Vol. 55 (1981): Our Past


The care of the Sisters of St Elisabeth over the sick. Closed healthcare facilities

  • Edmunda Podolska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-06-30


The area of activity of the Sisters of St Elisabeth in the field of hospital care presented in the article does not cover a wide range of issues related to the work of inpatient care. The picture outlined here activities of the Sisters may be the first attempt to synthesize the Congregation's contribution to the development of the Public Health Service in the reborn Poland after long-term captivity. The service of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Elisabeth in the area of Polish hospitalization, in accordance with the author's conclusions, contributed significantly to improving and maintaining the state of health and hospital care. This study also shows a series of struggles and attempts to take new paths in the interwar period, which turned out to be insufficient in realizing the noble ideal of "serving Christ in the least of His brothers." The dangers of World War II broke the dynamic development of treatment centers, but did not change the servile attitude of the members of the congregation towards human suffering. This is confirmed not only by the sick under the care of the sisters, but also by the post-visit opinions of the church authorities and a letter of commendation from the Holy Father Pius XI addressed to the Elisabethan sisters in Warsaw's Mokotów district.


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