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Vol. 56 (1981): Our Past

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The chronicle of the chapel in Sichów and Sichów Sermons

  • konstanty Michalski
  • Wacław Świerzawski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-12-30


"Chronicle of the Chapel in Sichów" and "Sichów Sermons" are a collection of texts by Father Konstanty Michalski, who was both a philosopher and a pastor. The first stage of Fr. Michalski's life, presented in the "Chronicle of the Chapel in Sichów", shows his activity as a professor-philosopher and priest-pastor. Then he moves on to the analysis of his priestly service in Sichów, where he focused on practical action, turning theory into practice. Fr. Michalski emphasized the connection between thinking and action, and his existentialism was distinguished by its radical approach. He pointed out the need for a heroic attitude in pastoral care, which manifested itself in kind love and involvement in the lives of the faithful. His sermons, collected in "Sichów Sermons", present the preaching of the Word of God and teachings about the holy sacraments. Fr. Michalski emphasized the importance of the Eucharist as the central sacrament and the relationship between the sacraments and the Church. His sermons were full of living words that led to a deep experience of Christ's presence in the sacraments. These texts, supplemented with essays by witnesses and relatives, are a valuable source of understanding the spiritual and pastoral legacy of Fr. Konstanty Michalski, who preached not only the theory, but above all the practice of love and devotion to God and people.


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  5. Michalski K., Nieznanemu Bogu, Warszawa 1936. [Google Scholar]
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