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Vol. 56 (1981): Our Past


Mass works of Fr. Hieronim Feicht CM

  • Karol Mrowiec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1981-12-30


In the general consciousness, the figure of Fr. Feicht is associated with Polish musicology. He is known primarily as a researcher of our musical culture in the Middle Ages and Baroque, although it is known among specialists that his interests and scientific achievements had a much broader scope. Unjustly, however, his compositional activity remains almost unnoticed. Fr. Feicht, if we take into account the first and probably incomplete list of his works prepared by D. Idaszak, was the author of as many as 79 unopused items, many of which contain a dozen or even several dozen small works. Of this relatively rich artistic heritage, only organ compositions have received scientific treatment. However, most of his creative output, i.e. choral compositions a cappella or with instrumental accompaniment, remained completely untouched.


  1. Gwoździowski J. A., Największa kantyczka z nutami... Tarnów 1938. [Google Scholar]
  2. Idaszak D., Bibliografia (kompozycji ks. Feichta). W: H. Feicht: Studia nad muzyką polskiego średniowiecza. Opera musicologica Hieronymi Feicht I (Red. zbiorowa), Kraków 1975. [Google Scholar]
  3. Kaszycki J., Kantyczki z nutami, Kraków 1911. [Google Scholar]
  4. Korniluk M., Twórczość organowa Hieronima Feichta. Gdańsk 1968. [Google Scholar]
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