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Vol. 62 (1984): Our Past

Profiles, memories

Bishop Wincenty Urban (1911-1983) - the Church historian

  • Jan Kopiec
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1984-12-30


Bishop Wincenty Urban came from the Przemyśl diocese. After being ordained a priest in Lviv in 1936, he worked as a pastor in the Archdiocese of Lviv. In 1945 he came to Silesia and from 1946 he was the director of the Archbishop's Archives and Museum and the Chapter Library in Wrocław. In 1947, he was appointed professor of Church history at the theological seminary in Wrocław, and in the years 1949-1960 he also lectured at the theological seminary of the Opole diocese in Nysa. From 1971, he also lectured at the Academy of Catholic Theology in Warsaw for several years. He obtained his doctorate in Warsaw in 1947. He completed his habilitation thesis in Kraków in 1953 and completed it in Warsaw in 1971. In 1975 he became an associate professor, and in 1982 a full professor. Bishop W. Urban is the author of over 450 publications, mainly in the field of the ecclesiastical history of Silesia (including inventories and catalogs of the Archbishop's Archives, the Museum Library), as well as the ecclesiastical history of the archdiocese. Lviv. He also left behind several books with collections of sermons and homilies and wrote several scripts for students. Bishop W. Urban was a collaborator of "Nasza Przeszłości", where he published 21 articles.


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