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Vol. 68 (1987): Our Past


The iconography of Stanisław Kazimierczyk as a representative of the saintly "felicis saeculi Cracoviae" in Polish modern art

  • Janina Dzik
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1987-12-30


Blessed Stanisław Kazimierczyk (1433-1489) belonged to the Regulated Lateran Canons based at the Corpus Christi Church in Kazimierz in Kraków. He represented the so-called devotio moderna, a religious direction in which formalized, ritual piety was rejected and emphasis was placed on prayer and individual meditation. Biographies mention that Stanisław led an ascetic lifestyle, cared for the sick and had a special devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the Virgin Mary and his patron Saint. Stanisław Szczepanowski. In hagiographic and devotional literature he is sometimes referred to as: blessed, beatus, sanctus, frater, pious father, divus, reverend. Although he enjoys a local cult and is a well-known figure in Polish hagiography, his cult has not yet been approved by the Holy See. Images of Stanisław Kazimierczyk, which are located mainly in churches cared for by regular canons (Church of Corpus Christi in Krakow, St. Peter and Paul in Vilnius, parish church in Sucha), can be divided into several types: 1) individual representations of the Blessed One with a pious character ; 2) historical scenes depicting the most important moments of his life, especially his visions; 3) examples of his interference in earthly matters. Iconographic representations combine the traditionalism typical of the Middle Ages with post-Tridentine recommendations regarding the climate of mysticism and religious zeal.


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