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Vol. 96 (2001): Our Past


Toruń and Gdańsk - centres of research on the Cistercians of Gdańsk Pomerania and Kujawy in the Middle Ages

  • Dariusz Aleksander Dekański
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2001-12-30


There have been very few attempts to take stock of the themes of historiographic research pursued in the academic centers of Gdańsk and Toruń. Reviews of this kind usually took a broad view of the field and allowed only little attention to church history or, more specifically, monasticism. Two notable exceptions were the studies of Władysław Szulist and the present author. In this article, his objective is to trace the contributions of Toruń and Gdańsk historians to the historiography of the Cistercian Order in the Middle Ages. A review of the latest phase of research is followed by an outline of the contributions of the 19th and early 20th century. Due acknowledgement is paid to the work of the German historians of Gdańsk, especially Theodor Hirsch, Max Bar, Paul Simson, and Max Perlbach, who laid the foundations of the Cistercian studies. The example of Gdańsk was soon emulated in Toruń, which had its own German and Polish scholars (among the latter were Stanisław Kujot, Jakub Fankidejski, and Romuald Frydrychowicz). The recent history of Cistercian studies in the region falls into two periods, divided by the great rift of 1945. Until that date, the Gdańsk historiography of the Cistercians was almost exclusively German, focused chiefly on the Oliwa Abbey. The leading figures of the Gdańsk school were Erich Keyser and Aleksander Jan Lubomski. The Pelplin-Toruń center tended to specialize in the history of the remaining Cistercian abbeys in the region. This article deals in particular with the work of Tadeusz Glemma, Paweł Czapiewski, and Romuald Frydrychowicz. In 1945, Polish historians took over, but Cistercian studies in Gdańsk fell into abeyance until the 1970s, when focused research in the field was resumed by Klemens Bruski, Dariusz A. Dekański, and Jan Powierski. Meanwhile, the Toruń center remained highly active in exploring the Cistercian legacy. This article discusses in particular the contributions of Antoni Czacharowski, Ryszard Kozłowski, Piotr Oliński, and Jarosław Wenta and winds up with some conclusions and recommendations. Chief among them is the call for a comprehensive study of the history of the Pomeranian church.


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