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Vol. 92 (1999): Our Past


I think it was different... Editorial office of "Our Past" in Krakow: Letters to the Editor

  • Władysław Stanisław Ginter
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1999-12-30


The author of the letter to the editor received the text of the review written by Fr. Franciszek Maria Wawrzyniec Rostworowski regarding the text by Stanisław Jan Rostworowski on the Mariavites. In the author's opinion, the text of the review was tendentious and false accusations against the Mariavites, repeating old stereotypes and false information. The author of the summary criticizes the way in which the author of the review manipulates the facts, suggesting alleged connections of the Mariavites with the Russian partitioning authorities or political aspirations, which is not confirmed in historical sources. The author refers to the accusations regarding the alleged cooperation of the Mariavites with the Russian authorities and their political sympathies, presenting arguments against these theses, based on historical research and scientific expertise. The last issue that the author of the letter raises is the issue of Bishop Feldman and the allegations regarding his alleged Jewish origin and alleged connection with the Nazis, which are untrue. The author explains the dramatic situation of the bishop during World War II and the pressure he was subjected to from Germany.


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