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Vol. 24 (2020)


Forensic examination and investigation of explosion sites

  • Wojciech Pawłowski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-03-22


The research paper constitutes the synthesis of knowledge in scope of criminalistic technique related to explosives. The paper is based on the Author’s rich experience in working with explosives for many years and provides the response to the expectations of all entities who carry out investigations in cases involving illegal manufacturing and use of explosives. In the next sections, the specifics of post-blast site investigation has been described, including the issue of safe handling of materials at the scene where explosives and their components were detected. Finally, the purpose of forensic reports has been discussed along with the types casework examination which should be carried out in order to conclude on the identification and construction of explosives, but also with the view to assessing threats related to potential explosion.


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