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Vol. 23 (2019)


Polish criminal vampires

  • Ewa Gruza
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-05


In the history of forensic science, many serial killers were referred to as vampires. Analyzing the cases of killers hailed as the Polish criminal vampires you can find their common features. Undoubtedly a trait they all share is a a difficult childhood in a dysfunctional family. Each of them had learning problems: their school performance was poor and they had the opinion of loners in their school and peer environment. They all had problems with establishing peer contacts. In each of their lives an event occurred as a result of which they felt an aversion towards women. They were motivated by sexual desires and there was no financial motive. They were characterized by cruelty, sudden and brutal attacks on women, using rather primitive tools. During the pre-trial proceedings, they most often admitted to murders, then cancelled the admissions without feeling guilty. They were sentenced to the highest sentences, from the death sentence to life imprisonment. Many of these processes were accompanied by discussions, in which attempts were made to draw theories on judicial confusion. 


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