The purpose of the paper is to discuss the criminal responsibility of expert witnesses especially based on the new Article 233 of the Penal Code which criminalises giving false testimony (opinion) by expert witnesses. The first aim of the paper was to discuss the institution and role of expert witness in continental legal system, in which they are appointed by the court. The issue is a crucial form for the criminal and civil justice system due to the fact, that the statement of expert witness is primarily the only relevant evidence, which let the court to establish facts based on expert knowledge. The mentioned regulation was thoroughly modified by the Act Amending the Criminal Proceedings Code and several other acts, which was adopted on March 11 2016. The amended legislation constitutes a special type of crime, which can be committed only by expert witness, who gives false testimony. The author considers thoroughly all statutory features of this offence. It is worth underlining, that the mentioned crime can be committed not only due to willful misconduct or negligence. Undoubtedly, the amended legislation aimed at preventing the court system and
counteracting miscarriages of justice, which are caused by false and/or unreliable expert opinions. However, it is not possible to evaluate the regulation in court practice today.
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