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Vol. 20 (2016)


On the main directions of scientific, practical and organizational activities of the Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus

  • Svetlana Kritskaja
  • Ivan Doda
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-07


This article presents major directions of the activities of the State Institution “Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus”, related to the scientific and practical, as well as methodological support of forensic activities. It provides a detailed review of the target themes of fundamental and applied research in the field of forensic examination, performed by the institution in accordance with the annual thematic plans for 2015–2016 years. Participation in state programs of scientific research, identified as a priority in the sphere of forensic examination for 2016–2020 years, is also analyzed. The article presents the expected outputs of scientific research on criminalistic and other types of forensic examinations, informs about the testing of selected results of scientific studies, pursuance of the process of implementation of new methods and effective
technologies into practice in accordance with the necessities of forensic practitioners. Other aspects of the work of the institution are also covered.


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