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Vol. 28 (2024)


Rotometry as a proposal for a new method of handwriting verification testing

  • Tomasz Łuszczuk
  • Krystyn Łuszczuk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2025-03-03


The authors of the study proposed a novel research technique, not used before, of repeatedly measuring the same parameter (in this case, it is the so-called form factor) based on Brosson’s method, which has been known for years. The novelty of the method, called rotometry by the authors, consists in rotating the record under examination by a certain partial angle and after each rotation repeating the measurement of the said coefficient. The measurement ends when the rotated sample returns to the starting position (that is, after a full 360-degree rotation). By examining the evidence and comparison material simultaneously in this way, two sequences of measurements (form factors) are obtained, the consistency (or inconsistency) of which is assessed using rank correlation. A prototype of a computer application for conducting such research has been proposed. In order to reduce subjectivity as much as possible in this type of graphometric research, the application limits (practically cuts out the expert), manual (and therefore subjective) determination of elements for testing.


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