The article focuses on the presentation of the biography of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in comparison with the events taking place at the time of the implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium in order to present the sources and development of his concepts regarding liturgical renewal. His works from the time of the Archbishop of Munich and Freising (Freising), cardinal and prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, are also presented in the form of a short review. Also addressed are Cardinal Ratzinger’s relationship to the Liturgical Movement, which had a significant influence on the Council’s constitution, and his own concept of a New Liturgical Movement that would “revive the true legacy of the Council”. The author of the article, analyzing the views of Joseph Ratzinger regarding the reform of the liturgy, as well as his own vision of it, used the rich literary output of the present senior pope, which is primarily in the eleventh volume of his collected works entitled Theology of the liturgy and interviews given by cardinal Ratzinger to Peter Seewald.