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Vol. 12 No. 2 (2019)


Pedophilia – Definitions of the Disorder. Selected Clinical, Legal, and Social Issues

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-31


The concept of pedophilia is very broad and extremely complex. Thus, when examining this disorder, it is important to take into account a wide-ranging debate on the definitione of pedophilia itself, the type of definition, and elements that constitute it. The fact that there are so many definitions of pedophilia, which at the same time determine the ways it is responded to, shows how important this issue is. The way the term ‘pedophilia’ is used causes many misunderstandings and controversies, primarily between clinicians and lawyers. Further confusion as to the meaning of the concept arises when representatives of other professions join in these discussions. The article attempts to define pedophilia in clinical, legal, and social terms.


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