The recruitment and employee selection process must increasingly takes into account the dynamic nature of the job positions, and the recruited candidates must be able to cope with the new requirements resulting from changes in job responsibilities. Therefore, the techniques are used to assess the professional suitability of candidates for a given position, but also suitability in the team and the entire organization (multilevel fit). For this purpose, among others: the video interviews, and the multimedia interactive tests are taken, where practical cases in video simulations are solved, or the testing candidates via the Internet is taking place. It is also a mine of knowledge about a given candidate, especially when such a person is present in the network and actively participates in virtual social networks. The technology will in the future increasingly affect the recruitment and professional selection process and the new, unknown methods will emerge. The aim of the article is to show research methods and tools to recruit employees in the form of applications for digital television decoders. These tools increase access to current knowledge about the possibilities of the job market, expanding the range of available recruitment and selection methods for both the employee and the employer. Thus, the use of television as a carrier of information and opportunities for interaction in the job market is a natural choice.
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