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Tom 15 Nr 2 (2022)


The Influence of Covid-19 on the Activities of Law Firms

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 31.12.2022


The subject of this study is the analysis of the functioning of law firms during the Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown introduced by the legislator resulted in the closure or limitation of the functioning of public administration bodies, including courts and related institutions, especially law firms (advocates or legal advisers). As a consequence, law firms significantly limited their activities and, moreover, were forced to equip their offices with ICT tools allowing for remote work and IT training for their employees. As a consequence, law firms experienced a drop in income, which was confirmed by the results of a survey conducted by the Supreme Bar Council. However, positive aspects of the changes caused by the pandemic should also be noted, including introducing flexible forms of work, greater use of ICT tools.


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