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Tom 15 Nr 2 (2022)


Strengthening the Effectiveness of the Corporate Compliance System in a Group of Companies – after the Amendment of the Code of Commercial Companies in 2022

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Opublikowane: 31.12.2022


The aim of the article is to discuss the changes adopted in the Code of Commercial Companies in 2022, which are the most significant since its adoption, i.e., since 2000. The changes not only regulated the functioning of the group of companies, but also made it possible to establish a corporate compliance system in the group of companies, aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of counteracting many negative phenomena, including corruption. The publication is another part of the Authors’ research in the area of compliance and corporate governance, the results of which were partially used in the work of the Corporate Governance Reform Committee introducing the abovementioned changes to the Code of Commercial Companies. Finally, the publication also presents the theoretical and practical aspects of establishing a corporate compliance system in a group of companies.


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