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Vol. 29 No. 2 (2021)

Pastoral theology

Application of the Intentions of the Holy Mass for the Living and the Dead: Theological Basis and Norms of Canon Law

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2021-12-27


The application of the Eucharist for the living or the dead has essential theological roots. The norms of the Code of Canon Law cannot be analysed without referring to the doctrine of the fruits of celebrating and participating in the Eucharist. The reminder of theologians’ teaching on general, personal and special fruit must be the starting point in interpreting the provisions of canon law regarding the possibility of priests applying the fruits of Holy Mass for others. The practice of offering the Holy Mass for anyone living or dead is a Tradition from the Apostles teaching. In this way one can realize that application of the fruits of the Mass for the faithful. It is an important issue connected with the sacrament of the Eucharist. Consequently, this must be reflected in the provisions of canon law. The analysis of canon 901 CCL will help to understand all aspects of applying the fruits of the Eucharist. We analysed the limitations of this application for the living and cases when it is not necessary or not appropriate to celebrate Holy Mass for the deceased. Finally, Gregorian and masses for multiple intentions are worth mentioning. Getting to know the arguments regarding the application of Holy Mass for the living and the dead will not only help to explain this practice in pastoral ministry, but can also contribute to a greater spiritual development and awareness of all the faithful who approach the Lord’s Table, both to celebrate and participate in the Eucharist.


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