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Vol. 30 No. 1 (2022)

Theology of spirituality

The Thought of Blessed John van Ruusbroec in the Writings of St Elizabeth of the Trinity

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-07-26


The article contributes to the study of Elizabeth of the Trinity’s readings (1880–1906) and their impact to her way of thinking and in consequence her style of writing. The search query was narrowed down only to one author – the blessed John van Ruusbroec (1293–1381) and his work which the nun had (Rusbrock l’admirable, transl. E. Hello, Paris 1902). The analysis was based against six leading topics to which the mystic from Dijon frequently came back. These are: 1. Love; 2. The abyss that is God; 3. The man simple and humble; 4. Free will; 5. Saint silence; 6. Eternal now. In Rusbrock l’admirable Elizabeth of the Trinity was discovering herself. Thanks to the reading of this book she perfectly specified what she herself was sensing and experiencing.


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