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Vol. 30 No. 2 (2022)

Biblical Studies

The Meaning of the Term בית מדרשׁ in Pseudo-Jonathan’s Targum

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Published: 2023-02-08


One of the most important tasks of parents in ancient Israel was to impart knowledge of the Mosaic Law to their children. According to tradition, having gained basic knowledge at home, boys would attend school to continue their education of which the Bible offers little information. This information is provided by 7th century Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. The article analyzes the meaning of the term בית מדרשׁ in Pseudo-Jonathan’s Targum. This phrase does not occur in the Hebrew Bible. The author of the targum added it intentionally in fourteen verses of the Torah. The analysis of the meaning of this term in specific pericopes is to show the importance of school and give it an ancient character. The presented content leads to the conclusion that after the demolishon of the temple in Jerusalem, when the observance of the Law began to be the most important element in the religion of the Jews, the author of the Targum Pseudo-Jonathan wanted to show the origins of בית מדרשׁ in the times of Abraham.


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