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Vol. 18 No. 20 (1) (2023)


The Idea of Family Law as the Idea of a Personal Man. Challenges and Threats (Part III)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-06-30


The Author points to the necessity of a new perspective on family law in the axiological aspect, application of the law, realization of family rights and rights in the family in the changing reality. He draws attention to the changing approach to personal family law over time and that the world full of progress, threats, failures of authorities translates into understanding man and family. At the same time, it is pointed out that the time that has elapsed since the codification of family law (in a different legal system) and its numerous amendments oblige to take up this issue and the need to separate family law, the task of which would be a protective function (as indicated by the constitutional protection of the family). The author raises the need to approach law against the background of the concept of a person and as obligatory interpersonal relations, recognizing that such a philosophical perspective broadens too narrow paradigm of positivist understanding of statutory law and as a result, there are lack of tools to apprehend the essence of the law and explain them. It is emphasized that the system of values determined the choice of goals and methods of achieving them contained in the project of the Family Code, proposing a system of concepts and ideas using common and scientific knowledge, and, consequently, adopting the personal character of a human being.


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