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Financing Sports as a Municipal Task on the Example of the Jedlnia-Letnisko Municipality

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-07-22


The article contains information on the concept of sport and physical culture, as well as the ways of financing them by municipalities. Sport is a phenomenon that can be observed everywhere these days. For some it is a way to spend their free time, relax and take care of their health, and for others it is a source of income.

Providing appropriate conditions for practicing sports is an important aspect of activities for central authorities and local government units. To ensure appropriate sports infrastructure, it is necessary to ensure its development and ensure appropriate legal and financial conditions at the lowest level of the structure of public bodies. Local governments face the problem of obtaining financial resources for sports and their appropriate distribution. The aim of the article is to analyze the expenses incurred on sports in the commune and city of Jedlnia-Letnisko, as well as the sources from which they are covered.

The article uses the dogmatic method and the method of legal functionalism. The dogmatic method will be used to interpret and analyze the application of legal provisions and to formulate specific conclusions. However, the method of legal functionalism will be used to analyze a specific legal situation in case law.


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