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Vol. 19 No. 21 (2) (2024)


Concepts of Marriage in Mormons, Catholics and Anglicans vis-à-vis the Phenomena of Non-Heteronormativity and Relationship Dissolution. A Comparative Analysis

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Published: 2024-11-13


Catholicism sees marriage as an indissoluble sacrament with a strong emphasis on procreation and unity. Anglicanism sees marriage as sacred but not indissoluble, with more flexibility on divorce. Mormons have a unique approach to marriage, which can last for eternity, and their wedding ceremonies (sealing) have great spiritual significance. All three traditions place great importance on marriage, but differ in their approach to its nature, permanence and purposes. Furthermore, the legal institution of marriage in the context of non-heteronormativity (e.g. same-sex unions) is viewed very differently in the Mormon, Anglican and Catholic traditions.


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