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Vol. 33 No. 36 (2023)


Principles of State and Church Cooperation for Marriage and Family Formation

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2023-05-31


The topic as follows: Principles of State and Church cooperation for marriage and family formation, seems to be at least “claiming” at a first glance. Author believes, however, the cooperation between the two above-mentioned subjects of power might appear in different areas for the good of the family, and might be both direct and indirect in some or other areas of cooperation. Therefore, indirect State and Church cooperation for marriage and family formation should take place in the matter of marriage formation and family foundation, this is the subject of my reflection in part 3, the point 3.2. entitled: The cooperation duty between State and Church for a life formation in marriage and family. The two previous parts: 1. Re-reading the genesis of the institution of marriage and family and 2. The need to strengthen the awareness of the value of marriage and family ought to emphasise the special role of Church and State in the promotion of marriage and family in the light of the requirements for marriage and family with respect to the teaching of Church and the principles of church and state law.


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