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The Special Status of Marriage and the Family in the Light of their Characteristics-Qualities and Purposes

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-07-24


This article is another attempt to highlight the special value of marriage and the family in the social life of the Church and the nation. This special value of both realities, as it is commonly known, remains essentially inviolable and unchangeable, because it has its source in the divine law, which is fully confirmed in the norms of the ecclesiastical marriage law; yes, to a significant extent, also in the state law, for example in the Polish law: in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and in the Family and Guardianship Code as well as in the Concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland. It should be emphasised that the legislator, by establishing strictly defined norms in the field of marriage and family law, thereby formally makes it clear that there is no alternative (competing) institution in the legal order that could take the place of marriage and family, in the social and national life; as well as in the perspective of organisation and functioning of the state or other institutions and organisations.


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