Introduction in Canon 1055 § 1 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the mention of the orientation of marriage towards the good of the spouses (and not only towards the good of the bonum prolis), is the culmination of a long and arduous process in which the Second Vatican Council, especially the Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, played a significant role. This document emphasizes that marriage is directed towards the bonum coniugum in its nature, that is, from the Creator’s plan for this community of life and love between a man and a woman. It allowed us to assume that the essence of this good is the mutual giving of each other by spouses. The contribution of the doctrine and jurisprudence of the Roman Rota was also important in this discovery, in which it was noticed that one of the important elements of the institution of marriage (contained in the concept of ius ad commmunionem vitae) is directing this relationship also to the good of the spouses.
The legal content of the concept of bonum coniugum should be seen in what God intended for a man and a woman bound by marriage. The object of excluding the good of the spouses is to direct the marriage towards this good.
Exclusion by a positive act of will of the bonum coniugum in principio suo (as an essential element of marriage) results in the invalidity of this union (Canon 1101 § 2).
In proving the exclusion of the good of the spouses (in principio suo), three “classic” pieces of evidence are used, as in relation to any form of simulation.
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