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No. 2 (2024)


Morocco as a Partner of the European Union in Reducing Irregular Migration from Sub- -Saharan Africa and the Sahel

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-08-05


The aim of the article is to present the migration policy implemented between the European Union and the Kingdom of Morocco. The article presents the genesis of cooperation. The author focused on the issue of limiting illegal migration from the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel and on the deepening cooperation, as well as the resulting obligations and consequences. In 2015, the external borders of the European Union were crossed illegally almost 2 million times. Due to the abolition of internal border controls between European Union members, it is necessary to carry out effective external border controls and invest in border protection in the interest of all Member States. Ever-increasing irregular migration from sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel has made Morocco a transit country, so the European Union’s border management policy has had to change. The trail through the Iberian Peninsula was the most popular route to Europe in 2018. Migrants traveled by sea and land, trying to reach the Spanish enclaves, which are the European Union’s only land borders in Africa. The growing number of illegal border crossings has
intensified cooperation between the European Union and Maghreb countries. Morocco maintains the most developed relationship with the European Union, which has undertaken numerous initiatives to deepen cooperation in partnership. This cooperation covers not only border management, but also the protection of migrants and their rights.


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