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No. 15 (2021)


Germanisms in the manuscript Gall. Fol. 220 preserved in the Berlin collection at the Jagiellonian Library of Cracow

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2022-01-17


The manuscript Gall. Fol. 220 is a collection of recipes, preserved in the Berlin collection at the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. It is an anonymous book, which comes from the sixteenth century, written in French. It contains many dishes and products popular already in the Middle Ages, but also the recipes for dishes typical of the Renaissance. After analyzing the culinary terminology present in this collection, we can see that there are some Germanic terms. In this article, we intend to present the cooking terms that are of Germanic origin and explain why the words appear in this type of collection, which has the character of a reference book in the French language.


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