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No. 2/21 (2024)


Linguistic and cultural analysis of the names of desserts present in the unpublished manuscript Gall. Quart. 146 (Jagiellonian Library, Krakow)

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2024-12-10


This article deals with the names of desserts in the manuscript Gall. Quart. 146 from the Berlin collection, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. The collection of cooking recipes remains unpublished and is not known to the general public. The book dates from the 18th century, but it was completed over the years until the middle of the 19th century. It contains nineteen names of desserts. We will analyze them from a linguistic point of view, focusing on their etymology, and from a cultural point of view, showing the different meanings of the terms that evolved over the centuries. Thanks to these differences, the recipes can differ from each other. We aim to find roots of the names of desserts in the French language of the 18th century and also borrowings in order to analyze their origin and, thus, the origin of the desserts themselves. To achieve our goal, we will apply classical methods: historical-comparative and philological.


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