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No. 16 (2017)


Eucharist in Third Christophany (John 21:1-14)

Published: 2017-12-20


The christophany by the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-14) is one of the less commented on by the biblical scholars. Although one fails to find a description of the establishment of the Eucharist, there are clearly elements of a feast characteristic of the Eucharist celebration. The meal of fish and bread (cf. v. 9) prepared by Jesus for the „children” (v. 5) are significant since „the disciple whom Jesus loved” recognizes: „It is the Lord!” (cf. v. 7). The same happens during the Eucharist, where the congregation recognize the Lord in the signs of bread and wine. Like at the Sea of Tiberias Jesus invited those fishing fruitlessly for a meal together with him, also today he invites those who believe in him and participate in offering the fruit of their work. In the biblical event Jesus called the disciples to the shore for a common meal in order to tell also the people of our time that he comes to the community of people and for their faith. This third christophany makes a testimony about the risen Jesus gathering his disciples around himself and offering himself to them as a meal.


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