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No. 16 (2017)


Perfect Religious Beliefs

Published: 2017-12-20


The paper’s aim is to explicate the content of the concept of perfect religious beliefs as well as to state a subject that could be the bearer of such beliefs. Neither or the epistemologically privileged subjects (God simpliciter or human) can be ascribed perfect religious beliefs. God, though being the subject of perfect cognition, needs no beliefs, whereas human has no perfect beliefs. The only being that could have such
beliefs is a theandric one (God-Human). Christianity considers Jesus Christ to posses these attributes. Different kinds of knowledge ascribed to Jesus, of which the most important is the “filial knowledge”, set the epistemic conditions Jesus needs to meet to be the subject of perfect religious beliefs. If the ideal of the holder of such beliefs has actually been fulfilled in Jesus, we should consider him the authority in all religious
matters and settle disputes about religious nature as he did. The identification of Jesus as the holder of perfect religious beliefs becomes a kind of epistemological argument for Christianity.


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