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Vol. 132 (2019): Nasza Przeszłość


From Rudomin to Shuntehfu. Missionary life in the memoirs of Father Franciszek Arciszewski CM (1910-2006) – a contribution to the history of the Apostolic Prefecture of the Congregation of the Mission in northern China

DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2019-12-30


Fr. Franciszek Arciszewski CM, a missionary in China, Australia and the United States left a rich legacy in the form of documents, notes, letters and memoirs as well as photographs, also those related to his work in China and currently kept in the Archives of the Polish Province of the Congregation of the Mission on Stradom street, Krakow. Fr. Arciszewski stayed in China for only fourteen years, however, it was a period of constant fighting with an external enemy – Japan as well as internal friction between nationalists and communists. From the memoirs of Father Arciszewski, written in 1990 – more than fifty years after the above mentioned events, a picture emerges of a country affected by war turmoil, where most of the victims turn out to be ordinary people, with whom missionaries stayed and lived on a daily basis.


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