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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


Hitherto unknown in historiography "Inventory of books of the Dominican Convent in Łowicz"

  • Marta Przygoda-Stelmach
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


The aim of the article is to present the Inventory of Books of the Dominican Con-vent in Łowicz, which finds itself in three parts on seven charts in Copiarum et privilegiorum et aliorum documentorum Conventus Loviciensis. It is a collection of documents of the Łowicz convent from 1600-1644, located in the Archives of Polish Dominican Province in Cracow (CN Łw 2). The article has been written on the basis of diploma dissertation on the topic of the history of Dominican Convent in Łowicz and paper delivered on November 6th, 2010 in Płock, at conference on church school system in the Polish Republic from the 16th to 17th century. The description of the inventory has been preceded by a short outline of the early activity of the Dominicans in Łowicz and finishes with a presentation of the library’s history after the convent’s dissolution in 1818. Each part of the inventory has been separately reviewed. Through the analysis of respective entries of the inventory the most characteristic works of Church history, logic, liturgical history or hagiography have been presented. The article is only an attempt at presentation of the source material in question and may constitute a contribution to further research on the library collection of Łowicz Dominicans from the 15th to the beginning of 19th century.


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