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Vol. 117 (2012): Our Past


The role of Poznań cathedral chapter in the history of the Lubrański Acadeny (Collegium Lubranscianum) in the 17th and 18th century

  • Michał Nowicki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2012-06-30


Poznań cathedral chapter showed great interest in the academy at least since the middle of the 18th century, especially in the difficult times of wars and destruction. It bonded together the cathedral and the academic community: professors made public speeches during various festivities and on cathedral patrons’ day, held honorable place in processions or important offices in the diocese. Sometimes, though, the chapter had to prevent the misuse of privileges, such as the case of the academy’s head-master who overused the privilege of wearing a mantelletta. Large participation of the cathedral chapter in the functioning of the academy was successively diminished by the university. Most of all, from the beginning the choice of the academy’s headmaster, in which provisors were to participate, remained a dead letter – the university always sent its own chosen candidate, who was symbolically accepted by the chapter. It remains a fact that due to the university's practices the chapter lost a number of prerogatives in regard to its academic school. However, a closer connection to the university led to the academy’s greater autonomy, as some powers were taken over by its convocation of professors.


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