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Vol. 115 (2011): Our Past


A difficult pontificate of Nanker, Bishop of Lubusz (c. 1248-1251)

  • Marek Golemski
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2011-12-30


The Bishopric of Lubusz, founded around 1124 by Bolesław III Wrymouth during the legation to Poland of Idzi, Cardinal Tusculum, began the second century of its existence in the 1330s. For the first hundred years, and especially until the end of the 12th century, matters related to this bishopric rarely appeared in sources. From this period, we have received only a few records about the Ordinaries of Lubusz. Nanker was the eighth bishop of Lubusz. It is not known how Nanker was appointed to the episcopal see in Lubusz or the exact date when he began his pontificate, but he probably took it up by canonical election. The first source information regarding Nanker as the bishop of Lubusz is the mention in the "Yearbook of the Poznań chapter" about his participation in the Wrocław synod of the legate James, Archdeacon of Leodian in 1248.


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