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Vol. 107 (2007): Our Past


Obituaries of Polish nuns from the second half of the 18th and 19th centuries included in the correspondence to the Benedictine Sisters of Sandomierz

  • Anna Szylar
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2007-06-30


The article contains an analysis of 397 letters sent to the monastery of Benedictine nuns in Sandomierz in the second half of the 18th and 19th centuries. The information contained in the correspondence mainly concerns death notices of Benedictine nuns from 22 monasteries in Poland. It provides basic information on 413 nuns. In particular, the date of entry into the novitiate, the type of monastic vows taken, the date of death, the number of years lived and the length of stay in the congregation. In addition, most of the letters contain references to their character traits and religious virtues, talents, functions and services performed in the monastery. A separate section consists of 25 letters written after the death of the abbess. They are quite long and contain a lot of interesting information, not only about the deceased nuns, but also about the situation inside the convent, the works and renovations carried out, the external problems and the dangers caused by the abolition of monasteries. Many letters provide information on the morbidity of the nuns, the types of illness and the causes of death. It is possible to estimate the approximate length of life and the number of years spent in the convent, as well as the periods of greatest morbidity and mortality.
The appendix also contains a table of the names of the deceased nuns with their dates of death, the number of years spent in the convent and the name of the abbess at the time. The resources presented are a great wealth of data and can serve as material for work on Benedictine nunneries in Poland.


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