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Vol. 109 (2008): Our Past


Command - a period of development or stagnation of the Cistercian monastery in Szczyrzyc

  • Jolanata M. Marszalska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2008-06-30


The article examines the role of the commendatory abbots in the Cistercian monastery of Szczyrzyc. This abbey, although one of the smallest in Ma³opolska, had a commandery for almost two centuries, and the abbots who held office took monastic vows and wore a habit, unlike in other monasteries. The Szczyrzyce commandery differed from other Cistercian monasteries, especially those with much larger endowments, such as Jędrzejów, Mogiła, Wąchock, or the Benedictine monasteries (Tyniec, Lubin) and the Canons' monasteries (Czerwińsk, Trzemeszno).


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