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Vol. 119 (2013): Our Past


"True to the faith of the fathers". Paweł Pikuła on the pages of "Niedziela" in 1882.

  • Piotr Pikuła
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2013-06-30


The article presents the profile of Paweł Pikuła, a peasant farmer from Derło, written about in 1882 in “Niedziela”, by the author under the pen name Nadbużanin. An extensive presentation of the person of Paweł Pikuła can be found in three consecutive issues of the newspaper, which appeared on 30th July and 6th and 13th August. Paweł Pikuła was engaged in the defence of Greek-Catholic Church against Russification. The profile placed in “Niedziela” shows the peasant farmer from Derło as a good landlord, a man of all virtues and a local moral authority. The culmination point of the relation is the description of his speech in the defence of the Uniate Church in Pratulin in 1874, after which he was repressed by the tsarist regime. Reminding the contemporary reader of the person of Paweł Pikuła from Derło is justified most of all by his influence on the attitude of the local people, who bore the fruit of martyrdom in a heroic act of the defence of the faith. The value of their sacrifice was acknowledged by the Church during the beatification of the Thirteen Martyrs of Podlasie by John Paul II in 1996.


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