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Vol. 122 (2014): Our Past


The history of the church organs in the oldest Polish monasteries of the Clarisse Sisters

  • Piotr Matog
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-12-30


The article constitutes an attempt at a detailed study of the history of church organs in the two oldest Polish monasteries of the Clarisse Sisters: in Stary Sącz and in Cracow. The first mention of the organ in the monastery church in Stary Sącz comes from 1599. In 1618 a contract to build a new instrument was signed with an organ builder Andrzej from Lvov. In 1698 Krzysztof Lenartowicz committed himself to add a posi-tive section to the organ. The instrument, located in the presbytery, was removed in 1889. At the beginning of the following year a new organ, built by Gebrüder Rieger company from Jägerndorf, was installed in the main aisle. The instrument exists until the present day and its characteristic features are two consoles: one for a lay organ player (on the side of the main aisle), the second for a nun (in the convent choir). In 1748 there was a positive in the church chapel of St. Kinga, while the present instrument comes from 1897 and was also built by the Gebrüder Rieger company from Jägerndorf. During the ages positives were present also in other parts of the Stary Sącz Convent: in the chapel called “Loret” and in the convent choir. Until the present day two extremely valuable, most probably baroque, portable positives have remained. In St. Andrew’s Church at the Clarisse Convent in Cracow an organ was present already in the half of the 15th century. A new instrument was built between 1666 and 1675. Another one, located in the presbytery, was built in the years 1776-1779 by Jan (?) Sitarski from Cracow. The organ was frequently repaired. Only a rococo prospect from this instrument has remained until the present day. The present organ behind the prospect was completed in 1908 by Aleksander and Kazimierz Żebrowski from Cracow. Apart from the instrument in the presbytery, the convent church was furnished with a positive located in the convent choir. The first mention of a reparation of the instrument comes from 1778, while about 1793 the convent choir was furnished with a new positive, renovated several times and transferred to the Church of St. John from Dukla Forest in 1909. The history of the organs presented in the article testify to the rich musical culture of the Clarisse Order.


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