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Vol. 122 (2014): Our Past


Student years of Zofia Izabella Łuszczkiewicz

  • Urszula Perkowska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-12-30


University studies, conducted in accordance with the family tradition at the Jagiellonian University, in the years 1917/18-1921/22, were an important stage in the intellectual development of Zofia Izabella Łuszczkiewicz. In this period, the position of women at the University was quite well-established, although their rights were not yet equal to those of men. The first three female students appeared in Cracow in 1894, they were formally accepted by the Faculty of Philosophy in 1897, by the Faculty of Medicine in 1900, while by the Faculty of Law only in 1900. Zofia Łuszczkiewicz studied chemical sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy. She attended lectures and classes of outstanding scientists such as Karol Dziewoński, professor of organic chemistry, Tadeusz Estreicher, the head of the department of inorganic and analytical chemistry, a distinguished erudite and science populariser and Bohdan Szyszkowski, a specialist in thermodynamics. Apart from classes in the chosen branch of studies, she supplemented her knowledge in biology at the lectures of Władysław Szafer, in physics at the lectures of Władysław Natanson as well as philosophical lectures of Witold Rubczyński and Władysław Heinrich. She received her credits from all compulsory subjects and graduated on October 4, 1922. At the Jagiellonian University, she gained solid knowledge, participated in social activity (Chemistry Circle) and had a possibility to develop her religiosity in Marian Sodality.


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