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Vol. 122 (2014): Our Past


An unknown report of Primate August Hlond about the condition of the Catholic Church in Poland after the election to the Legislative Parliament on January 19, 1947

  • Łukasz Krucki
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2014-12-30


The election to the Legislative Parliament held in Poland on January 19, 1947 constituted an important factor in the takeover of the government by the Communists. Treacherously falsified, it removed from power the opponents, among them the main oppositional party – the Polish People’s Party. Having got rid of the opponents, the Polish Workers’ Party and its adherents: the Polish Socialist Party, the People’s Party and the Alliance of Democrats could easily implement the guidelines sent from Moscow. Primate Hlond, an observer of the changes happening in Poland, wrote a report about the situation of the Church in Poland on February 10, 1947, which he sent to Vatican four days later. The report comprised his opinions on church matters as well as political and social issues. That is why the document constitutes an extremely important – although so far unknown – testimony. The report, written in Italian, was found not long ago in the Archdiocesan Archive in Gniezno, during the research on the postwar Primate of Poland Acts. Having been identified, it was translated and prepared for publication by Rev. Łukasz Krucki.


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