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Vol. 114 (2010): Our Past


Licheń at the end of the 18th century. The status of the village according to the official Prussian description

  • Zdzisław Włodarczyk
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2010-12-30


The article analyzes the so-called Indagada prepared at the request of the Prussian authorities. In addition to questions about the number of inhabitants, their age and gender, the number of houses and wells, there were also questions about the burden on the subject population and the form of ownership. According to the official description, at the end of the 18th century, Licheń was a small village inhabited by less than 100 people, the vast majority of whom were engaged in agriculture. There was a parish there for several centuries, a remnant of the "urban" past.


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