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Vol. 112 (2009): Our Past


The religious and pastoral activities of the professed members of the monastery of Canons Regular in Czerwińsk in the years 1720-1819

  • Jolanta Marszalska
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2009-12-30


Based on the Book of Profession, the activity of the Regular Canons living in the monastery in Czerwińsk in the years 1720-1819 was analyzed. From it you can learn not only about the number of members of the Czerwiński convent, but also about the functions performed by the monks, including pastoral functions both in the subordinate convents and provostries as well as in the parishes of the Płock diocese. Especially after the dissolution of the monastery, it is clear that the role of the Czerwińsk monks in pastoral institutions was significant, as evidenced by the efforts of the above-mentioned Płock bishops to ensure that as many monks as possible remain in the diocese and continue their pastoral service. A significant supplement to research on the pastoral activity of the Czerwińsk monks would be to analyze the preserved episcopal visitations from this period, which would undoubtedly allow for obtaining a more complete picture of the pastoral activity of the regular canons from Czerwińsk.


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