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Vol. 104 (2005): Our Past


The Dominican church and convent in Lachowce in the report of the visitation of St Hiacynth in the Ruthenian Province in 1708

  • Anna Markiewicz
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2005-12-30


This is a critical edition of the inventory of the Trinity Church and Dominican Convent at Lachowce in Wolhynia, which is included in the acts of a visitation of the Ruthenian Province of the Order conducted by Father Tomasz Kruszewski in 1708-1709. The original manuscript "Inventarium Rerum Conventuum et Ecclesiarum Provinciae Russiae sub prima visitatione Adm[modum] R[everedn]di P[at]ris Provincialis F[rat]ris Thomae Kruszewski, et earum tarn mobilium quam immobilium" can be found in the Archives of the Polish Province of the Dominican Friars in Cracow (Sign. 26). The church at Lachowce was founded by Paweł Krzysztof Sieniuta, who made a gift of it, together with all and sundry appurtenances, to the Dominicans in a document dated 13 July 1612. Soon afterwards, however, religious differences between the landlord, who abandoned the Catholic religion for Arianism (a Socinian sect known also as Polish Brethren), and the Dominicans, who held on to their donation, sparked off one o f those disputes which seem interminable. It was inherited and carried on by Paweł Krzysztofs nephew and successor, Piotr Sieniuta. The legal battles prevented the church and convent from being completed until c. 1660, when the property passed to Piotr's daughter Anna, wife o f the Chamberlain of Poznań Piotr Opaliński. The inventory, of which this is a critical edition, was compiled on 8 November 1708. The office o f the Lachowce prior was held then by Father Albert Jagielski, whose name is mentioned in the text. The document gives us a fairly detailed view of the actual condition of an early 18th-century church. The interior of the church is catalogued with as much care as is given to the description of the liturgical apparatuses. The appendix entitled "Regest of business of the Lachowce Convent" contains a list of unknown benefactors of the convent as well as information about other people who were in various ways connected with the convent.


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