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Vol. 103 (2005): Our Past


Stanisław Moszyński - the priest and the artist

  • Piotr Biliński
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 2005-06-30


Stanisław Moszyński (1875-1907) came from an illustrious noble family. His talent for painting and poetry was much in evidence from his earliest years. He would write fine humorous verses and draw, having had no formal instruction, strikingly accurate caricatures. He also painted portraits and landscapes. Fairly early religious subjects became the main inspiration of his painting. After his final school exams in 1893 he began thinking of entering the seminary. His father, however, did not like this idea and made him enroll at the Agricultural Faculty of the Jagiellonian University. Having completed his studies and military service, Moszyński returned to his old pastime, painting. After a while, however, his enthusiasm for the arts was eclipsed by the pull of his suppressed vocation. In 1902 he joined the Seminary in Krakow and at the same time became a student of the Theological Faculty of the Jagiellonian University. In June 1905 his failing health was diagnosed as due to advanced tuberculosis. From that moment he was spending most of his time in Kazimierz Dłuski's Sanatorium at Zakopane. In 1906 his condition improved at least to that extent that he was able to come to Krakow for his ordination. The ceremony was conducted by Cardinal Jan Puzyna. Moszyński celebrated his first mass in Wawel Cathedral at the altar with the relics of St Stanisław. His illness, which got steadily worse, confined to bed for the rest of his life. He died on 17 May 1907 and was buried at the Rakowicki Cemetery in Krakow.


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