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Vol. 51 (1979): Our Past


About the Franciscans in Krosno until the end of the 18th century. On the 600th anniversary of the canonical erection of the monastery in Krosno

  • Antoni Zwiercan
DOI:  [Google Scholar]
Published: 1979-06-30


An outline of the history of the Franciscans in Krosno presents the development process of the activities of the monks of St. Francis of Assisi, the basic socio-religious function of the Krosno convent and some issues related to its role in this city. The article was written on the margin of the work entitled "Krosno. Studies in the history of the city and the region", edited by Józef Garbacik (vol. 1-2, Kraków 1972-1973). The history of the Franciscans in Krosno was prepared based on historical materials found in the Monastery Archives OH. Franciscans in Krosno, in the Diocesan Archives in Przemyśl and in other national archives and in the General Archives of the Order in Rome. Krosno did not belong to the Krakow diocese and therefore was covered by the missionary activities of the Franciscans. It is impossible to precisely determine the date of the arrival of the Franciscans to Krosno or the foundation of the original monastery. In a document from Queen Jadwiga from 1397, there is a formal Franciscan convent with its own church and monastery building. In 1782, the monasteries were dissolved. Already in 1777, the Franciscan monastery in Krosno was included on the list of monasteries that have fewer than ten people and are therefore subject to transfer to another monastery. The contribution of over six centuries of missionary and pastoral activity of the Franciscans in Krosno to the religious culture of the Krosno region has proven to be lasting. After national misfortunes and the fire of 1872, the Franciscan temple in Krosno was thoroughly restored and returned to its former glory, and the convent carries out its traditional religious mission.


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